Privatisation is Not for Everyone

May 6, 2008 by
Filed under: NSW Politics, Uncategorized 

We’ve been hearing a lot about privatisation lately with the Iemma government’s determined plan to privatise the NSW electricity sector (Iemma powers ahead with electricity sale) despite widespread opposition within his own party.

I personally oppose the creation of private monopolies. Consumers realise no benefits from capitalism without the presence of healthy competition.

Another event took place that is likely to steer this debate further:

Today in the media, it was reported that the New Zealand government reached a $555 million deal with Toll Holdings to nationalise its railways. They were originally government owned, but had been privatised in the early 90’s under a previous government.

According to the article, under private ownership, the railway lines have been poorly maintained and many services reduced or cancelled, so the government saw no other option but to repurchase.


3 Comments on Privatisation is Not for Everyone

  1. curve on Wed, 7th May 2008 9:53 am
  2. Why do we have to live with such a crap state government? Surly there are plenty of people smart enough in our state who need to join a political party and present a better option.

  3. herestrouble on Thu, 8th May 2008 12:15 pm
  4. A good question. A cynic would say that anyone with intelligence and ability would tend to become a highly paid employee in the private sector.

    […] for the Premier, Morris Iemma. Instead of showing your ’strength of character’ by forcing through a power privatisation that nobody wants, why don’t you instead deal with the corruption in Railcorp and State […]

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