Australian Labor Government To Confiscate Unclaimed Money After 3 Years of Inactivity

February 27, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Australian News, Australian Politics 

The Australian Labor Government is desperate for money after several years of relentless spending on stupid projects and general mismanagement.

They have just rushed through legislation to enable the transfer of all money from accounts that have not been used for three years into their own revenues. This will commence after May 31st 2013.

There is no better time to read up on one of our most popular posts – How To Find Your Unclaimed Money, and tell all your friends to retrieve their unclaimed money while they still can.

Hat tip to Tim Blair for bringing this to my attention.

How To Find Your Unclaimed Money

November 23, 2008 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Business, Finance and Investment 

Unclaimed Money - $100 Bills

In the aftermath of a global financial crisis, people are having to make greater efforts to make ends meet and support their families. People are working extra hours, reducing their household spending to improve their cashflow and selling things to reduce debt.

But I am sure that many people would be struggling a whole lot less if they found and retrieved their unclaimed money! In Australia alone, over $500 million dollars in unclaimed money is being held in trust by ASIC and other government bodies.

This article explains where unclaimed money comes from and tips of searching and retrieving money that you may own.
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